A-Level Biology

Sixth Form

A-Level Biology

What Topics Will I Study?

A Level Year 12 Unit 1: Development of Practical Skills in Biology A folder of practical skills will form the basis of the practical endorsement in written examinations throughout the units. Unit 2: Foundations in Biology Cell Structure; Biological Molecules; Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids; Enzymes; Biological Membranes; Cell Division and Diversity & Organisation. Unit 3: Exchange and Transport Exchange Surfaces; Transport in Animals and Transport in Plants. Unit 4: Biodiversity, Evolution and Disease Communicable Diseases, Disease Prevention, and the Immune System; Biodiversity and Classification & Evolution.

Year 13 Unit 5: Communication, Homeostasis & Energy Communication & Homeostasis; Excretion as an example of Homeostatic Control; Neuronal Communication; Hormonal Communication; Plant & Animal Responses and Photosynthesis & Respiration. Unit 6: Genetics, Evolution & Ecosystems Cellular Control; Patterns of Inheritance; Manipulating Genomes; Cloning & Biotechnology; Ecosystems and Populations & Sustainability.

What Grades do I Need at GCSE Level?

To study Biology at A-Level you will need to have achieved the entry requirements for the Sixth Form. For Biology these will include a grade 6 in GCSE Biology (Higher Level) with a combined total of 10 in Chemistry and Physics or the equivalent in the combined Science Course. You will also need to achieve a minimum of 11 points from English Language and Maths with no grade being below a grade 5.

What Other Subjects Should I Study?

Biology is an excellent subject to take with other sciences. Traditionally many students take Biology alongside Physics/Chemistry or Maths, but it also complements Geography and PE. Many students find the subject interesting and wish to study it further without necessarily wishing to take it beyond the Sixth Form. It is preferred that Biology is taken alongside another Science subject.

What About Choices After A-Levels?

If you are looking at employment when you leave the Sixth Form, employers look favourably on a science A-Level because of the skills you will have developed. Biology is a stepping-stone for a whole range of degree courses. In recent years Sixth Formers wishing to pursue Biology further have taken degree courses in Biomedical Sciences, Applied Biology, Marine Biology, Environmental Science, Psychology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry. Many students have then advanced to master’s degrees and Doctorates. There are so many choices for which A-Level Biology is a valuable qualification that you will need to do some research in the Careers Library or ask for a Careers Interview.

Further Information

If you would like further information on any aspect of A-Level Biology, then please contact: Mr M Middleton (Head of Science): mark.middleton@ids.mmat.co.uk or Mrs L Mehra: lindsey.mehra@ids.mmat.co.uk

Exam Board: OCR

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