Dress code

We pride ourselves on running a mature and business-like sixth form and as such look to reflect this in our dress code.

We ask you to reflect a smart appearance in your attire which would mirror most professional workplace environments. Whilst we do not ask you to wear a uniform, we do ask you to remember that as members of our sixth form, you are still representatives of our school and role models to our younger students. We ask you to act as our ‘Idsall Leaders of Learning’ and therefore require that you wear clothing which reflects your attitude as smart, mature and committed learners. We also ask that you wear your sixth form ID badge at all times to meet our safeguarding requirements.


Professional/Suitable Attire Non-Professional/Unsuitable Attire
Smart suit/blazer/jacket Denim or leather jacket
Plain or patterned shirt/polo shirt with a collar T-shirt with or without a logo
Plain full length blouse/top with sleeves Short (showing the midriff) and/or strappy blouse/top (showing the shoulders)
Plain jumper/cardigan Jumper/sweatshirt with a large logo

No hoodies

Skirt/dress falling just above the knee or longer Short skirt/dress
Tailored skirt/dress Skirt/dress made from lycra/clingy material
Tailored trousers Trousers made from lycra/clingy material

No leggings or jeans

Work-style shoes/boots – flat or with a sensible heel  Trainers, canvas shoes, pumps or flip flops
Tie/waistcoat optional Hats/caps
ID badge visible ID badge in pocket or bag


Makeup and nail varnish can be worn, however, these should not be excessive or deviate from the professional nature of a student’s overall outfit. A business-like approach is also expected when it comes to hair colour and piercings.

As it is a clear part of the sixth form agreement and one of the conditions students agree to when joining our sixth form, our staff will enforce the dress code and will speak to students if their attire is unsuitable in anyway, directing them to change as soon as possible. Anyone continuing to wear inappropriate clothing will be referred to senior management and this may result in the loss of learning time if it is deemed appropriate to send a student home to change.


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