An outstanding feature of student life at Idsall is the fantastic range of opportunities for students to join in extra activities that will enrich their learning and enjoyment of school life. These include music, drama, theatre visits, gallery visits, trips abroad, residential experiences, outdoor and adventurous activities, such as climbing and kayaking and links with students in France and Germany.
‘Session Six’ is our extensive afternoon activities programme - available each weekday afternoon from 3pm to 4pm. It is a meeting time for our school 'Show/Rock Band', 'Vocal and String' groups. Every day there is a huge range of different sporting activities to choose from. The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) offers 'Studyzone' (where students can use the computers to access the internet, paper based resources or just enjoy a quiet place to read), 'Scrabble' and 'Chess' clubs. The school provides late transport home to most areas at the end of ‘Session Six’. All after school activities are provided free of charge, but students are asked to pay towards the cost of late transport if they make use of it.
Many of our older students choose to take up leadership or coaching awards in sport.
Our drama and music productions are very well represented by students from all year groups and always attract full audiences. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, we have been unable to hold our annual performances of the 'Carol Concert', 'Spring Show' and shows (such as 'Sister Act' and 'Hairspray'). However, that didn't stop our enterprising students from producing CDs in collaboration with the Music and Drama Departments for families to enjoy at home. There are also many opportunities to learn a wide range of musical instruments.
Finally students can also participate in expeditions where they mature, broaden their outlook, develop resilience, teamwork, improve their fitness, communication and help people and communities who are less fortunate. Expeditions pre-pandemic to Venezuela and Peru were incredible experiences that will last a life time.