A-Level Economics

Sixth Form

A-Level Economics

What’s it All About?

Economics is a fascinating subject to study, as it helps you look more deeply into the world around you – how and why it functions as it does. It can also give you new perspectives on some of the most pressing and challenging problems facing the world today. Economics is with you for life and it will help you to understand what is happening nationally and internationally.

Ever thought about:

  • What determines the price you pay for the things you buy?
  • Why cannot the government increase the minimum wage and make everyone better off?
  • Why there is unemployment when there are lots of job vacancies?
  • Why there is poverty in the world alongside great wealth?
  • Why you have to pay tuition fees to go to university when Scottish students don’t?
  • When you go abroad each year why do you get different amounts when you change your currency?

If you would like an answer to these questions, then Economics might be for you – study Economics and you can help make the world a better place!

What Topics Will I Study?

In both years, your time will be split between microeconomics (concerned with the decisions made by individuals in a variety of situations), and macroeconomics (concerned with decisions with wider issues such as employment, inflation etc). In Year 13 you will be examined on how well you can apply your learning in a ‘real world’ context.

What Grades do I Need at GCSE Level?

To study Economics at A-Level you will need to have achieved the entry requirement for the Sixth Form. It is expected that these grades will include 6’s in English and Maths. If you want to read Economics at university, you must be aware that many require a grade 6 in English and Maths at GCSE and some will require Maths A-Level. You should also have an inquiring mind, be able to analyse, reason and think critically.

What About Choices After A-Levels?

The main professions associated with economics are: business, finance and banking as well as HR, government and international organisations. However, the skills you acquire in Economics will equip you for a range of other options.

Further Information

Because Economics is a new subject to you, you will probably have lots of questions, so please contact Mr D Thomas (Head of Economics): dave.thomas@ids.mmat.co.uk

Exam Board: Edexcel A

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